Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Legal Functions Of Legal Practice - 808 Words

The work environment (the legal office we operate in) is incredibly important when it comes to productivity and the emotional health of employed legal practitioners, as it will affect their personal productivity and their contribution to the overall success of the legal practice. Ensuring the work environment is as healthy as it can be is the responsibility, or can benefit from the influence, of legal practice managers. Legal practice managers have the challenge and responsibility of developing their own emotional intelligence and recognising it and fostering its growth in others. For instance, the emotional intelligence of the managing partners sets the stage for the workplace atmosphere in a legal practice, and ultimately, the outcome of the performance of the lawyers a firm. Before delving into specific areas in which emotional intelligence can help create an overall healthy atmosphere in the workplace, it is prudent to identify the reality of law firms and lawyers today. One often-referred-to paper in this area is John Briton’s Lawyers, Emotional Stress and Regulation. Mr Briton was the Legal Services Commissioner in Queensland when he discussed the results of The BeyondBlue and Beaton Consulting Annual Professions Survey conducted in April 2007. According to the results of this survey, lawyers are two and a half times more likely than other professionals to suffer from clinical depression. Mr Briton also note that in the following year, Sydney University’s BrainShow MoreRelatedBusiness Studies Influences on Operations Function1356 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness Studies Essay; Explain how the influences on operations can affect the management of the operations function. A business has many influences that provide a duel effect on its operations. Not only can they cause the business to undergo change and continually adjust to the external factors in the business environment, but they also provide threats and opportunities in the operations process. 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